Effective 2/28/23, the WIC Program will NO longer provide alternatives to Similac products.
Similac products are now readily available in all WIC approved sizes.

Can no longer be purchased:

Always My Baby Advantage HMO (Stop & Shop)
CVS Health Advantage HMO
Enfamil NeuroPro Infant
Enfamil Infant
Enfamil Enspire
Good Start Gentle
Gerber Good Start Gentle Pro Infant
Good Start Gentle Supreme A2
Kendamil Classic First Infant 1 from birth
Parent’s Choice Advantage HMO and Non-GMO (Walmart)
Parent’s Choice Infant Non-GMO (Walmart)
Tippy Toes Advantage Premium (Price Chopper)
Tippy Toes Infant (Price Chopper)
Up & Up Advantage Infant (Target)
Up & Up Infant (Target)
Well Beginnings Advantage HMO (Walgreens)

You must now buy:

WIC Similac Advance Formula

12.4oz (Powder)

If Similac Advance 12.4 oz is not available, try a larger container size of a Similac product.

Alternate Formula Valid Until Date


Exchange Size UPC
Similac 360 Total Care 4/30/23 30.8 oz 2.5 70074681177
Similac Advance 4/30/23 30.8 oz 2.5 70074585864
Similac Pro-Advance 4/30/23 30.8 oz 2.5 70074664385

Can no longer be purchased:

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant Ready to Feed

You must now buy:

Similac Ready to Feed

Similac Advance 32 oz (Ready to Feed)

Can no longer be purchased:

Enfamil Infant Concentrate

You must now buy:

Similac 13 oz Concentrate

Similac Advance 13 oz Concentrate

Can no longer be purchased:

Always My Baby Gentle (Stop & Shop)
Bubs Supreme A2 Beta Casein Protein Stage 1 (0 to 6 months)
Bubs Supreme A2 Beta Casein Protein Stage 2 (6 to 12 months)
Enfamil Reguline
Enfamil Gentlease
Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease
Enfamil Enspire Gentlease
Gerber Good Start Soothepro
Parent’s Choice Gentle (Walmart)
Parent’s Choice Complete Comfort (Walmart)
Signature Care Gentle
Tippy Toes Gentle (Price Chopper)
Up & Up Gentle Non-GMO (Target)
Up & Up Complete Comfort (Target)
Well Beginnings Gentle

You must now buy:

12.6 oz Powder

If Similac Total Comfort 12.6 oz is not available, try a larger container size of a Similac product.

Alternate Formula Valid Until Date


Exchange Size UPC
Similac Pro-Total Comfort 4/30/23 29.8 oz 2.5 70074669380
Similac Total Comfort Stage 1
(Made in Europe)
4/30/23 820 grams 2 8427030003795

Can no longer be purchased:

*There were no alternatives to the formula, Similac Pro-Total Comfort 32 oz *Ready to Feed*.
If this formula is on the WIC benefit list, only this formula can be purchased.

You can only buy:

Similac Pro Comfort 32 oz Ready to Feed

Similac Pro-Total Comfort 32 oz *Ready to Feed*

Alternate Formula Valid Until Date


Exchange Size UPC
Similac Pro-Total Comfort

*Ready to Feed*

4/30/23 32 oz 1 070074682259

Can no longer be purchased:

Always My Baby Sensitivity Premium (Stop & Shop)
CVS Health Sensitivity
Enfamil NeuroPro Sensitive
Signature Care Sensitivity
Parent’s Choice Sensitivity HMO (Walmart)
Parent’s Choice Sensitivity Non-GMO (Walmart)
Tippy Toes Sensitivity Premium (Price Chopper)
Up & Up Sensitivity Non-GMO (Target)
Up & Up Sensitivity (Target)
Well Beginnings Sensitivity Non-GMO (Walgreens)

You must now buy:

12.5 oz Powder

If Similac Sensistive 12.6 oz is not available, try a larger container size of a Similac product.

Alternate Formula Valid Until Date


Exchange Size UPC
Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive 4/30/23 30.2 oz 2.5 70074681238
Similac Pro-Sensitive 4/30/23 29.8 oz 2 70074664408
Similac Sensitive 4/30/23 29.8 oz 2 70074629520

Can no longer be purchased:

Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease

You must now buy:

Similac Sensitive 32 oz Ready to Feed

Similac Pro-Total Comfort 32 oz *Ready to Feed*

If Similac Sensitive Ready to Feed is not available, try a different Similac product.

Alternate Formula Valid Until Date


Exchange Size UPC
Similac 360 Total Care Sensitve

*Ready to Feed*

4/30/23 32 oz 1 070074681610

Can no longer be purchased:

Enfamil Prosobee Powder
Enfamil Prosobee Ready to Feed
Gerber Good Start Soy Powder
Parent’s Choice Soy Baby Formula Powder (Walmart)
Up & Up Infant Formula Soy Powder (Target)
Well Beginnings Soy Powder (Walgreens)

You must now buy:

Similac Soy Isomil

Similac Isomil Soy

If Similac Isomil Soy is not available, try a larger size Similac Isomil Soy product.

Alternate Formula Valid Until Date


Exchange Size UPC
Similac Isomil Soy Powder 4/30/23 30 oz 2.5 070074677002

Special Formulas


*Medical Documentation required.
Contact your health care provider and your local agency WIC office.


Please note that due to availability concerns we have added larger container sizes than what is typically WIC approved.
If you are purchasing a larger container size, you will notice that your WIC benefits will appear to remove more formula than may be expected.
This is due to the container size.
You will still receive a similar quantity of formula.


  1. A participant has 7 cans of Similac Advance (12.4 oz cans) on their benefit balance.
  2. They purchase 2 cans of the Similac Advance (30.8 oz cans).
  3. Each 30.8 oz can of Similac Advance has an exchange value of 2.5 cans of the 12.4 oz Similac Advance. 2.5 (exchange value) X 2 (8 oz cans) = 5 CANS
  4. How many cans of Similac Advance will be remaining after the substitute formula has been purchased? 7 (beginning balance) – 5 (8 oz cans) = 2 CANS

Formula Issued (on eWIC card)

Similac Advance 12.4 oz cans

Formula Balance (on eWIC card)

7 cans

Substitute Formula Purchased

Similac Advance 30.8 oz cans

# Cans Purchased

Exchange Size for EACH Can of Substitute Formula 2.5

Total # Cans Taken Off eWIC Card Balance

Remaining Similac Advance Balance 2

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.