WIC is here to support you. All offices are currently open for phone appointments only. If you have an upcoming WIC appointment, your local WIC office will call to complete your appointment over the phone. If you have missed an appointment call your local WIC office for instructions. You can find your local WIC office phone number in the “Find a WIC Office” button with this app or call 1-800-741-2142. Due to a higher call volume you may have to leave a voice message.


Important message regarding shopping for WIC foods/formula. Please be aware that while some stores may have limited food items on their shelves WIC vendors have notified us that they are receiving deliveries daily. If you cannot locate a WIC approved item you may have to try a different day/time or another WIC approved store. For a complete list of WIC approved stores visit the “WIC Stores” button with this app or https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/WIC/Retailers.  Please do not wait until the end of your benefit month to shop as you may be lose out on some of your WIC items.


If you or your family members are experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath or other flu like symptoms-call your health care provider or local health department.