Connecticut WIC program

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WIC continues to provide appointment flexibility by offering services in person, over the phone, video call or online nutrition education (WICSmart).

Appointments are convenient and flexible to meet your busy schedule. Access your WIC appointments by using the “My Appointments” button on the WICShopper app. To identify if your appointment is in person click on Additional Details and then Items to Bring. If you are scheduled for an in-person appointment it will include that detail in the list of items to bring. Remember, WIC will always send you an appointment reminder.

If you are scheduled for an in-person appointment, ask your WIC staff what is needed and what safety measures are in place.


If you are scheduled for a phone or video appointment, see tips below to make your appointment easier. Schedule your appointment for a day and time that is good for your schedule. If your schedule changes, call the WIC office to reschedule for a better day/time.

  • Depending on your appointment type you should plan for at least 15-30 minutes. If this is your first appointment expect your appointment to be at least 1 hour.
  • Staff will review a few questions to complete your appointment, we ask that you are in a safe, somewhat private place during your WIC appointment. Being in a place with fewer distractions will help staff complete your appointment quicker.
  • Send any information WIC has requested before your scheduled appointment time. Again, this will help WIC complete your appointment quicker. Please answer when the WIC office calls you. If you have changed your phone number, please contact your local WIC office to provide them with a number they can best reach you at.

If you have missed an appointment call your local WIC office for instructions. You can find your local WIC office phone number in the “Find a WIC Office” button with this app or call 1-800-741-2142. Due to a higher call volume, you may have to leave a voice message. Please leave as many details as possible including your full name, phone number, family ID# and reason for calling. By leaving these details staff will be better prepared to help you when they call back.

Flexibility in Shopping with WIC

To make shopping easier Shop Rite, Walmart and Stamford Acme stores now accept WIC at self-checkout lanes.

Several ShopRite grocery stores provide online ordering with the option to pay-at-store with your eWIC card.  For more details on this option visit  Ask customer service if this is allowed at your local ShopRite store.

For a complete list of WIC approved stores visit the “WIC Stores” button with this app or

To get the most of your WIC benefits watch your benefit start and end dates. Please do not wait until the end of your benefit month to shop as you may lose out on some of your WIC items.

Expanded Connecticut WIC Food Options During COVID-19

Connecticut WIC has temporarily expanded WIC-approved foods in the following categories:


Whole Grains

More 100% Whole Wheat Bread & 100% Whole Grain Bread options

Choose Size 16 ounces up to 24 ounces

Arnold, Oroweat, Aunt Millie’s, Big Y, Country Health, Freihofer’s, Koepplinger’s, Open Nature, PICS by Price Chopper, Sara Lee, Signature Select, Stop & Shop, Stroehmann, Village Health, Pepperidge Farm, Wonder, Nature’s Own

If you cannot find a 16 oz WIC bread, regardless of the size, any bread between 16 and 24 ounces will only count as 16 ounces towards your Whole Grain benefit.


For other updates to the WIC Approved Food list go to “New WIC Food Guide” button with this app or

If you or your family members are experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath or other flu like symptoms-call your health care provider or local health department. To help protect you and your family members from COVID-19 exposure consider by getting yourself and your eligible family members vaccinated as soon as possible