WIC Formula Choices Starting March 1, 2023
WIC EBT benefits can purchase the following formulas until April 30, 2023.

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

These formulas require medical documentation (MDF)

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

These formulas require medical documentation (MDF)

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

Alimentum Formula Substitutions

These formulas require medical documentation (MDF)

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Participants may buy any of these options:

These formulas require medical documentation (MDF)

If the WIC benefit balance shows:

Subject to change. Visit https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HEALTHYPEOPLEFAMILIES/WIC/Documents/wic-coord/formula-sub-chart.pdf for the latest version. Updated 3/14/2023

Visite https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HEALTHYPEOPLEFAMILIES/WIC/Documents/wic-coord/formula-sub-chart-span.pdf  para obtener la última versión. Actualizado 14/03/2023