Nutrition Resources
Nutrition resources for you and your family. Talk to a WIC nutritionist if you have any questions.
Infants (age 0-12 months)
Feed your baby a bottle safely
Paced bottle feeding
Help your baby change to a new formula
How do I teach my baby to drink from a cup?
Take care of your baby's teeth
Finger foods starting around 9 months old
How to introduce foods to your baby (Infant feeding)

Food allergies and your baby
What does a safe sleep environment look like for babies?
Children (age 1-5 years)
Create healthy eating habits: Children age 1-2 years
Create healthy eating habits: Children age 3-4 years
Easing constipation
Intuitive eating for kids
Low hemoglobin
How to brush
How to floss
Be cavity free
How to prevent cavities
How much screen time should my child have?
Pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women
Heading back to school or work
Healthy weight gain during pregnancy
Intuitive eating for adults
Low hemoglobin
Making enough breast milk
Maternal mental health resources
Mental health tools during pregnancy and after birth
Tips for breastfeeding moms
Breastfeeding guide
Quick WIC tips