Enjoy more Fruits and Vegetables with WIC!

Through September 2022

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Why is WIC providing more fruits and vegetables?

As part of the omnibus agreement, the WIC Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for fruits and vegetables will be temporarily increased for each WIC participant over 1 year of age.

How long will I receive the increased amount for fruits and vegetables?

Your WIC benefits have been updated to include $24 for children, $43 for pregnant and postpartum women, and $47 for breastfeeding women each month for fruits and vegetables. The increased amount will be on your Family Food Benefits printout and in your benefits list in WICShopper. Families with more than one WIC participant over age 1 will receive $24, $43, or $47 for each child/woman, and exclusively breastfeeding multiples participants will receive $70.50.

Did you know?

    If you run out of storage space for fresh fruits and vegetables, you can purchase WIC eligible frozen fruits and vegetables to store in a freezer.