This recipe provided by Kellogg’s Healthy Beginnings

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Cinnamon Raisin Stuffed Apples

A hearty, cinnamon-flavored stuffing fills these tender, juicy apples. Choose apples that bake well, such as Cortland, Granny Smith, McIntosh, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, Empire, Fuji or Gala.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Course: Snacks & Desserts, Video Recipes
Servings: 4


  • 4 baking apples medium size
  • 5 cups frosted shredded wheat (crushed)
  • 2 tbsp raisins
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup 100% apple juice


  • Core apples. Peel 1 inch wide strip around middle of each apple. Place upright in 1 1/2-quart microwave-safe casserole dish.
  • In small bowl combine frosted shredded wheat cereal, raisins and cinnamon. Pack cereal mixture into centers of apples.
  • Pour apple juice over apples and into casserole dish. Microwave, covered, at high for 6 to 12 minutes* or until apples are tender. Turn casserole dish and baste apples with juice every 3 minutes.
  • Before serving, spoon juice over apples again. Serve warm.


*Microwave cooking times may vary.