Young children are naturally curious about the world around them. While you and your child are out and about, take a look around and talk about the things you see, hear, and do together!

1. As you ride a car or bus or walk outside with your child, take turns using words like “fast” and “slow” to describe how you’re moving.

2. As you walk outside, encourage your child to use all his/her senses. “What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell?”

3. Let’s count our steps! As you walk along the sidewalk or up and down the stairs with your child, count each step out loud.

4. Take turns moving like animals with your child. “Hop” and ribbit like a frog. “Waddle” and quack like a duck! Moving together keeps your bodies healthy and strong.

5. When playing outside with your little one, take a minute to lie down and watch clouds. Ask, “What shapes or pictures do you see?”

6. Let’s look for things that go! Say, “I see a blue car. What do you see that moves on wheels?”

7. Go on a nature treasure hunt. You might collect leaves, pebbles, or flower petals. Use words like “soft,” “bumpy,” or “heavy” to describe the things you find together.

8. Say “hello”! With your child, look around for things and take turns saying hello to them. For example, “Hello trees! Hello bus! Hello squirrel!”

9. What do you see? Young children are naturally curious and point to things they’re interested in. Watch your child and talk about the things he/she is pointing to.

10. Words and letters are all around you! Take time to point to the “STOP” signs and other words on store fronts or on trucks.

11. Let’s talk about community helpers! Together, look for people who help like police officers, mail carriers, and firefighters. Ask, “What are their jobs? Why are they important?”

12. Find a shaded area outside to cuddle read a book together. As you read, ask “Who? What? When? Where? Why?” questions about the story.

13. As you wait at the bus stop or a red light, use words like “little,” “big,” or “humongous” to describe the vehicles you see. “That’s a little car” or “That’s a humongous truck!”

14. As you walk or ride with your child outside, use words like “forward,” “backward,” “through,” “around,” and “behind” to describe your direction.

15. Let’s make up a story! Have fun making a story about your day together. “Once upon a time, Mary and I went to the grocery store where we…”