Return to Standard Formula Participant Letter

Bureau for Public Health
Office of Nutrition Services

February 1, 2023

Dear WIC Family,

This letter is to let you know of upcoming changes to your infant’s WIC benefits. On February 17, 2022, Abbott Nutrition, the maker of Similac infant formulas, issued a voluntary recall of some products. In response, the West Virginia WIC Program allowed WIC participants to purchase many different brands of infant formulas. This was allowed while Abbott Nutrition made new formulas and grocery store shelves were restocked. Starting March 1, 2023, West Virginia WIC will no longer be able to provide other brands of infant formula in place of Similac products.

On March 1, 2023, WIC participants who are prescribed Similac Advance Opti-Grow, Similac Sensitive, Similac Total Comfort or Similac Isomil will only be able to purchase the Similac products below with their WIC benefits: Please note that larger can sizes (greater than 12 oz.) will only be available for eWIC purchase until April 30, 2023.

  • Similac Advance, 12.4 oz. 20.6 oz., and 30.8 oz. powder
  • Similac Pro Advance 20.6 oz. and 30.8 oz. powder
  • Similac 360 Total Care 30.8 oz. powder
  • Similac Sensitive, 12.5 oz. and 29.8 oz. powder
  • Similac Pro Sensitive 20.1 oz. and 29.8 oz. powder
  • Similac 360 Total Care Sensitive 20.1 oz and 30.2 oz. powder
  • Similac Total Comfort, 12.6 oz. powder
  • Similac Pro Total Comfort 20.1 oz. and 29.8 oz. powder
  • Similac Total Comfort, Imported 28.9 oz. powder
  • Similac Soy Isomil, 12.4 oz. and 30.8 oz. powder

In late September, Abbott Nutrition announced its discontinuation of Similac for Spit-Up. The West Virginia WIC program will continue to allow participants to purchase different brands of comparable formulas. However, starting March 1, 2023, alternatives for Similac for Spit-Up products will require a WIC-53 authorization form. This is the medical documentation form used by your child’s healthcare provider in order for WV WIC to provide special infant formulas or WIC-eligible nutritionals.

Starting March 1 , 2023, with a WIC-53 authorization form, WIC participants who are prescribed Similac for Spit-Up will be able to purchase the product below:

  • Enfamil AR, 12.9 oz. powder

Please contact your local WIC clinic if you have any questions or concerns. Please know WIC is always here to help and support you during these uncertain times.


Heidi E. Staats, MSW
Director, Office of Nutrition Services

Standard Milk-Based Formula

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Switch Back to:

WIC Similac Advance Formula

Soy Formulas

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Switch Back to:

Gentle Milk-Based Formula

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Switch Back to:

Sensitive Milk-Based Formula

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Switch Back to:

Spit-Up Formulas

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Please call
your local


Contact your local WIC agency by tapping the “Find a WIC Office” button in the WICShopper app

or go to the page below for a list of agencies.


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