Wyoming WIC

Standard Milk-Based Formula

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:


Beginning March 1, 2023, Switch Back to:

WIC Similac Advance Formula

You can get the following powdered Similac options at the store with your WIC benefits 

through April 30, 2023:

If you need either of the products below, you will need to visit your local WIC Office

(Please call for an appointment to avoid long wait times):

Soy Formulas

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Beginning March 1, 2023, Switch Back to:

You can get the following powdered Similac options at the store with your WIC benefits 

through April 30, 2023:

Gentle Milk-Based Formula

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Beginning March 1, 2023, Switch Back to:

You can get the following powdered Similac options at the store with your WIC benefits 

through April 30, 2023:

Sensitive Milk-Based Formula

If you’ve been using your WIC benefits to get:

Beginning March 1, 2023, Switch Back to:


You can get the following powdered Similac options at the store with your WIC benefits 

through April 30, 2023:

If you need either of the products below, you will need to visit your local WIC Office

(Please call for an appointment to avoid long wait times):


Contact your local WIC agency by tapping the “Find a WIC Office” button in the WICShopper app


To learn how to safely switch your baby’s formula visit the Wyoming WIC website.

*For information about the Abbott recall that occurred in February 2022 visit: similacrecall.com

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.