Contact WIC!
Department of Health
For additional information on DC WIC program updates during the COVID-19 public health emergency, visit https://www.dcwic.org/covid-19
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4:45 pm, except District holidays
Phone: (800) 345-1WIC or (202) 442-9397
Email: [email protected]
899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Fax: (202) 442-4795
TTY: 711
What is WIC?
- Nutrition counseling and education
- Breastfeeding resources and support
- Nutrient-rich foods (Foods provided by the program supply calcium, protein, iron, and Vitamins A, D, and C.)
- Immunization assessment and screening
- Referrals to health and social service providers
For women and children over 1-year-old, WIC also provides fresh fruits and vegetables (May – November) through the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program.
All this at no cost to the participants!
Who can participate in WIC?
You can participate in WIC if you:
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding, a new mother, an infant, or a child up to age 5;
- Live in DC (You do not have to show proof of U.S. citizenship to participate.);
- Meet income guidelines or are participating in Medicaid, DC Healthy Families, School Lunch Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or the Food Stamp Program; and/or
- Have a nutritional or medical risk (determined by a nutritionist or other health professional).
Learn more about WIC
Welcome to WIC
Bienvenido a WIC DC
Food List
WIC Clinic Sites
Where can I enroll in WIC? There are currently four (4) health care providers that provide WIC services to DC residents: Unity Health Care, Inc, Children’s National Health System, Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care, and Howard University Hospital. Each health care provider sponsors WIC clinic sites throughout the city.
Find a WIC site in the ward or quadrant nearest you: WIC Site Locations [PDF]
Related Resources
Approved Food Stores and Pharmacies
Non-Discrimination Statement-English Spanish
Program Resources:
Additional Resources: