Every WIC food has a specific nutrition role to fill. Why beans and lentils? Beans and lentils provide a low fat source of:
- Protein, which provides energy and helps your body build bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood, enzymes and hormones.
- Fiber, which helps keep you regular and helps you feel full after a meal. Certain fibers can also help control blood cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease.
- Folate/Folic Acid, which helps with cell growth and development.
- Soak beans according to package instructions and then cook over night on low in a slow cooker.
- Cook a big pot of dried beans on the weekend and freeze them in 1 quart freezer bags for weeks of easy use.
- Top salads with lentils, black beans, or garbanzo beans for extra protein, flavor, and texture.
- Mix mashed beans into meatballs, meatloaf, or burgers to get more servings out of the recipes and improve the texture of the food.
- Swap mashed white or black beans for mayonnaise