Massachusetts WIC Program

This recipe was provided by Massachusetts WIC and adapted from Cooking Matters.

Sweet Potato Fries

Cripsy baked sweet potato fries
4.10 from 10 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Mains & Sides
Servings 6 servings of 8-10 fries


  • 4 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 1/2 tsp paprika
  • pinch salt
  • pinch pepper
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 tbsp canola oil
  • non-stick cooking spray


  • Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  • Scrub and rinse potatoes. Cut into thick strips that are about ½ inch wide. Place into the large bowl.
  • Sprinkle the paprika, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper over the sweet potatoes. Drizzle the oil over them and toss well until coated.
  • Spray baking sheet with cooking spray and spread potatoes on it in a thin single layer. Bake for 15 minutes, remove and turn fries over, then bake for 10-15 more minutes until fries are cooked through and crispy.
  • Let cool and serve.


  • For easier cleanup, line the baking sheet with tin foil
  • White potatoes can be used in place of all or part of the sweet potatoes
  • Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (in place of paprika and cayenne) over the fries for a different flavor
  • Peel potatoes if diesiredSweet potato fries - nutrition label