Make the Most of Your WIC CVB Benefits

You can buy almost twice the fruits and vegetables with your WIC benefits than ever before. This page teaches you how to get the most of those benefits, make produce last longer, and prepare them in ways your family will love.

  • Get the Most Produce with Your Benefits
  • Make Your Produce Last Longer
  • Get Your Family Enjoying More Fruits and Vegetables

Get the Most Produce with My Benefits

Here are our best tips for getting the most fruits and veggies with your increased benefit. 

Click the plus symbol (+) next to each tip to learn more

Tip #1: Buy fruits and veggies in their whole form

While pre-cut fruits and veggies are convenient, they often cost more! Save money by buying whole produce (think whole carrots instead of baby carrots) and cutting up yourself.

Watch the video to learn how to save money when comparing different forms of produce!

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Tip #2: Compare unit prices. Buy in bulk when and if it makes sense.

The unit price is a quick way to compare foods to see where you can get the most value for your voucher.

cooking matters

cooking matters

Watch the video to learn about using the unit price!

 Mira este video en español

Tip #3: Buy produce when it is in season or on sale.

With a few simple tips, you can modify a recipe to use the produce you got at a great price.


Watch these three videos to learn how to make swaps and adjustments in recipes!

Tip #4: Look for produce you can use in meals throughout the week

Buying in bulk can save you more money! Choose produce that your family loves, and stretch it over the week by planning out your meals.

You can use this table to help build your own meal plan.

Tap here for a printable version of the meal planner.

Watch these two videos to learn how to the stretch ingredients across multiple meals!

Mira 3 recetas rápidas y fáciles de preparar comidas con subtítulos en español usando el ícono cc en el video en inglés

Mira Cómo Usar Toda la Comida que Compró en Una Semana en español 

Tip #5: Remember, all forms count!

Fresh, frozen, and canned produce all provide nutrients, and you can mix and match based on what works best for you and your family! Compare different forms at the store to see what will save you the most money and still taste great in your meal or snack. If your state only allows purchase of fresh produce with WIC benefits, use these great tips for purchasing canned and frozen produce when shopping with your own money or other food benefit.

cooking matters

cooking matters

cooking matters


Watch this video to learn about fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables!

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Tip #6: Simplify your shopping trip with a plan

Take a little time to make a shopping list before you shop. It can cut down on expensive impulse buys at the store.  If you’re shopping with kids, try these ideas to make the trip easier.

cooking matters

Watch this video to learn all about meal planning!


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Which of these shopping tips will you try?

Learn more budgeting hacks here.

Make Your Produce Last Longer

Don’t let that produce go to waste!  Check out these tips for storing fruits and veggies to last longer.

Click the plus symbol (+) next to each tip to learn more


How to freeze fruits and vegetables
How to store fruits and vegetables

cooking matters

Which of these storage tips will you try?
Learn more cooking basics here.

Get Your Family Enjoying More Fruits and Vegetables

Now that you’ve got all this produce, what should you do with it? Check out our tips to get your family excited about fruits and veggies!

Click the plus symbol (+) next to each tip to learn more

Tip #1: Introduce fruits and veggies early and with patience

Not sure how? Use this chart to safely feed your baby a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Watch these two videos to learn about introducing fruits and vegetables to your kids!

Tip #2: Make fruits and vegetables fun!

Who says you can’t play with your food? 

cooking matters


Watch this video for fun ideas with fruits and vegetables!

Tip #3: Include fruits and veggies at snack time
Snack time is perfect for pairing a fruit or veggie with another food group.

Watch these two videos for fruit and veggie snack ideas!

Tip #4: Try out different cooking techniques

Experiment with roasting, sautéing, or steaming. The same veggie can have an entirely different taste and texture!

Watch this video to learn three different cooking methods for veggies!

Mira este video en español

Tip #5: Play around with different spices and flavor profiles

Changing the flavor can make the same veggies taste like a different meal throughout the week.

Watch this video to learn how to use spices and flavors in your meals!

Which of these ideas will you try with your family?

Learn more parenting shortcuts here.