Effective October 2024
Authorized WIC Foods
What to Bring to Certification Appointments:
- Proof of income such as each applicant’s Medicaid card or pay statements from the last 30 days for each adult living in your home. If you’re paid every week, bring 4 pay statements. If you’re paid every other week or twice a month bring 2 pay statements. Please report all income.
- Proof of address such as a current utility bill, or a current rent or mortgage bill or receipt. It must have your street address printed on it.
- Proof of identity for each person to be certified such as a: driver license, birth certificate, Medicaid card, or photo ID. Infants may use a crib card or a hospital document. Children age 1 and older require a birth certificate, Medicaid card, or photo ID.
- Proof of guardianship if you are not the child’s parent.
- Infants and children being certified.
- A parent or guardian must be present at certification appointments.
Rights and Responsibilities
You have the right to:
- Receive benefits to buy healthy foods and to know that WIC does not provide all the food needed.
- Get information about healthy eating and active living.
- Receive help and support with breastfeeding.
- Receive information about immunizations and other health services that may help you.
- Fair and respectful treatment from WIC staff and store employees. If you have not been treated fairly, you can talk to a WIC supervisor. You can ask the WIC director or the state WIC office for a conference or hearing if you disagree with decisions regarding your eligibility.
- Civil rights protection. WIC program eligibility standards are the same for everyone regardless of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
You are responsible to:
- Tell staff about all of your income sources and report any changes.
- Tell staff if you participate in Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or the Family Employment Program (TANF). You will also let WIC know if you stop participating in a program that made you eligible for WIC.
- Tell WIC if you are breastfeeding or if you reduce or stop breastfeeding.
- Tell WIC if you are pregnant or give birth.
- Share your contact information including your address with WIC and report any changes. If you are moving out of state, you can ask for a Verification of Certification (VOC) to make it easier to get on WIC in your new state.
You agree to:
- Treat clinic staff and store employees with respect. You won’t swear, yell, threaten, or harm anyone.
- Use your WIC foods for the family members they were issued for.
- Return extra foods or infant formula to the clinic. You are not required to purchase all the foods and formula issued by WIC if they are not needed.
- Never sell, give away, or trade WIC foods, infant formula, or your WIC card. This includes posting them online or returning them to the store. Any food or formula you sell or give away that is the same as the WIC food or formula you received will be assumed to be WIC food and you will be asked to pay the program back for the food or formula.
- Receive benefits from only 1 WIC clinic at a time. Dual participation is illegal.
- Keep your appointments or contact the clinic to reschedule. You can be taken off WIC if you do not receive benefits for 2 months in a row. You can be put back on if you complete the required appointments.
- Protect your WIC card like a debit card and keep it from being lost, stolen, or damaged.
- Promptly tell WIC staff if your WIC card is lost or stolen.
- Not share your WIC card or PIN with anyone except for those you authorize with the clinic.
- Follow the rules and instructions in the Utah WIC Program Shopping Guide and WICShopper app.
You have read or been advised of your rights and responsibilities. If you do not follow these rules, you understand you may be asked to repay WIC for any benefits your family received. You also understand you may lose future benefits and be taken off the WIC program.
This certification is being completed with the receipt of federal assistance. You certify that the information you have given is correct to the best of your knowledge. Program staff may verify all of the information you have given to the clinic. You know that any untrue information you have given to receive WIC food benefits, including but not limited to making a false or misleading statement or misrepresenting, concealing, or withholding facts may result in having to pay back the state agency for the value of food improperly given to you, and may subject you to civil or criminal prosecution under state and federal law.
You understand that each participant must reapply at the end of the certification period and be reassessed for program eligibility.
WIC Privacy Policy:
WIC respects your right to privacy. As a WIC participant, you may receive reminder text messages, phone calls, letters, or emails. You may request not to receive these reminders. To opt out of texts, tell clinic staff or, reply STOP. To opt out of automated voice reminders, use option 9.
Information about your participation in the WIC program may be shared for non-WIC purposes with other health and nutrition programs that serve persons eligible for the WIC program. The executive director of the Utah Department of Health and Human Services has authorized the disclosure and use of confidential WIC information to certain programs to see if you qualify for their services, to conduct outreach, to share needed health information with programs you are already participating in, to streamline administrative procedures between programs, and to help assess the overall health of Utah families through reports and studies. You may ask WIC staff for more information about these programs.
Using your WIC Card
Welcome to WIC!
- Your WIC card works like a debit card.
- Activate your WIC card by selecting a 4-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) before you shop. Call the number on the back of your card: 1 (855) 784-5584.
- Bring your WIC card to every WIC appointment.
- Three months of food benefits are usually issued to your account at one time. However, you can only use the current month’s benefit at the store.
- All foods must be purchased before midnight on the last day of the month they are issued for. Foods not purchased during the month will not stay in your account for the next month.
- Call your WIC clinic if your WIC card is lost, stolen, or damaged.
- Let the WIC clinic staff know if you would like another person as your proxy or alternate shopper.
- WIC foods are not meant to be shared. They should only be used by the WIC participant they were issued for.
Before you shop:
- Download the WICShopper app and register your card to the app.
- Review your benefit balance. To view your benefit balance, go to the WICShopper app > My Benefits tab, call the number on the back of your WIC card 1 (855) 784-5584, ask a cashier at any WICauthorized store, or go to www.ebtEDGE.com.
- Shop only at Utah WIC-authorized stores. Go to the WICShopper app > WIC Stores & Markets tab to find WIC-authorized stores near you.
While you shop:
- Check your benefits carefully to know which foods you can buy. Use the Utah WIC Program Shopping Guide to help you.
- Shop throughout the month. Do not wait until the end of the month to buy all your WIC foods, as some foods may not be available.
- Scan foods in the WICShopper app to know if they are a WIC item. Not all allowed fresh fruits and vegetables scan as “WIC Allowed” in the WICShopper app but should work at checkout.
At checkout:
- After your foods are scanned, swipe your WIC card to purchase your WIC foods.
- Always pay with your WIC card first. Pay for non- WIC items with another method of payment.
- Speak with a store manager or call your WIC clinic if you have problems at the store.
- Submit foods that you think should be WIC-allowed on the WICShopper app > I Couldn’t Buy This!
Ask the cashier for this receipt. This will tell you what food benefits are in your account.
After scanning your foods, a second receipt will be printed indicating the total amount of this transaction which will be removed from your account. You can only take off or exchange items at this time, before paying.
Keep the ending balance receipt from your most recent purchase. This receipt shows the remaining benefits for the rest of the month.
WIC Fraud
Never sell, trade, or give away WIC foods; this is considered fraud.
It is not required to purchase all items in your WIC account. Speak to WIC staff if you do not use or need all the foods in your account. If you suspect any fraud, please report it to Utah WIC by:
• Phone: 1-877-WIC KIDS
• Email: [email protected]
*Store brands and private labels:
Store brands and private labels must be purchased when indicated in the Utah WIC Program Shopping Guide. Examples of store brands and private labels:
You can purchase the following foods only if they are store brands or private labels:
- Canned and dried beans
- Canned tuna
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Milk
- Rice
Organic food is only allowed for the following:
- Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables
- Jarred infant fruits and vegetables
- Jarred infant meats
- Tofu
Translation Tables
Burmese ဘာသာြပန်များ — English | ြမန်မာ
French Traductions | English | Français
Kinyarwanda Ubusemuzi — English | Ikinyarwanda
Pashto پښتو | English | ژباړ ې
Somali Turjumaada — English | Soomaali
Spanish Traducciones — English | Español
Swahili Tafsiri — English | Kiswahili
Vietnamese Bản dịch — English | Tiếng Việt
Non-discrimination Statement
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement:
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720- 2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: www.usda.gov/sites/default/ files/documents/ad 3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights,1400 Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.
[email protected].
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
✔ Allowed: *Store brand/private label; 8 ounces (oz)
to 16 ounces (oz)
- Regular, reduced fat, whole, or part skim
- Block, shredded, sliced, cubed, stick, or string cheese
✘ Not Allowed: Deli, cheese food/spread/product, name brand, 1 oz individual string cheese, 2 lb blocks, or any other variety of cheese not listed (pepper jack)
Cheese is issued in units of pounds (lb). 8 oz will take 0.5 lb off your card. 12 oz will take 0.75 lb off your card.
1 lb = 16 ounces(oz) 8 ounces(oz) each 16 ounces(oz)
- Cheese provides similar nutrients to milk like protein, vitamin D, and calcium.
- Some of your milk benefit can be substituted with cheese. Talk to your local WIC clinic if you would like cheese and less milk.
- For a guide to buying different cheese sizes go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Cheese – more information.
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 14 oz to 16 oz all authorized tofu must meet the federal WIC guidelines by being calcium set
- Block tofu
- Organic allowed
- Tofu only if assigned and printed on WIC receipt or benefit list
✘ Not Allowed: Any form other than block (cubed), seasoned, added fat, sugars, oils, or sodium
✔ Allowed: *Store brand/private label; 1 dozen
- Medium, large, or extra large
- White or brown
- Regular or cage free
✘ Not Allowed: Omega-3, pasture raised, or organic
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 12 oz to 36 oz boxes and bags for cold cereal, 9.8 oz to 36 oz for hot cereal
✘ Not Allowed: Cold cereal box sizes smaller than 12 oz or cereal with artificial sweetener
All authorized cereals meet the Federal WIC guidelines for iron and sugar content.
Cold cereal
Cereals are issued in units of ounces. Buy any combination that does not go over 36 oz. Cereal can be purchased in separate transactions.
36 Ounces(oz) 24+12 Ounces(oz) two 18 Ounces(oz) three 12 Ounces(oz)
- WIC-allowed cereals are low in sugar, high in iron, and some can be a good source of fiber.
- At least half of WIC-allowed cereals are whole grain. Look for the wheat symbol!
- You can buy both cold cereal and hot cereal together up to the amount listed on your WIC receipt or benefit list.
- For a list of WIC-allowed gluten-free cereals go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Gluten-free cereals – more information.
Hot cereal (Original flavor only unless specified)
Peanut Butter and Beans
Peanut butter
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 15 oz to 18 oz creamy, crunchy, extra crunchy, or natural
✘ Not Allowed: Added honey, jelly, marshmallows, chocolate, or other similar ingredients, reduced-fat, peanut butter spreads, or reduced-fat peanut butter spreads
Beans and lentils
✔ Allowed: *Store brand or private label;
- 1 lb (16 oz) dry package
- 15 oz – 16 oz cans, regular or low sodium
✘ Not Allowed: Added vegetables or fruits, added sugar, fats or oils, flavored, bean soup mix, mixed beans, chili, baked beans, beans with meat, canned green peas, snap beans, green beans, wax beans, or any other variety of refried beans
Peanut butter and beans are issued in units of jar/bag.
1 Jar 4 Cans 1 Bag
- You can choose a 16 oz bag of dried beans, canned beans in 15-16 oz cans, or 15-18 oz jars of peanut butter. One jar/bag equals 1 package of dry beans, 4 cans of beans (1 can = 0.25 jar/bag), or 1 jar of peanut butter.
- For purchasing options when issued multiple jars/bags go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Peanut butter and beans – more information.

Canned fish
Canned fish is an extra benefit for women who are exclusively breastfeeding.
Chunk light tuna
✔ Allowed: *Store brand or private label; 5 oz to 30 oz cans
- Water or oil packed
- May include bones or skin
- Regular or lower sodium
- May include flavorings (lemon, herbs, broth)
✘ Not Allowed: Solid white or chunk white albacore tuna, gourmet, or 2.5 oz pouches
- Tuna, mackerel, and salmon are rich in heart healthy omega-3 fats, iron, and protein.
- For a list of allowed brands and sizes of canned fish go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Canned fish – more information.
Pink salmon or jack mackerel
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 5 oz to 30 oz cans, 5 oz pouches
- Water or oil packed
- May include bones or skin
- Regular or lower sodium
- May include flavorings (lemon, herbs, broth)
✘ Not Allowed: Red, blueback, Atlantic, or sockeye salmon; gourmet; or 2.5 oz pouches of salmon
Fish is issued in units of ounces (oz). Choose combinations that add up to 30 oz.
six- 5 oz cans five- 6 oz cans two- 14.75 oz cans
Infant cereal and baby food
Infant cereal
✔ Allowed: Brands listed below; dry 8 oz container
✘ Not Allowed: With added formula, fruit, yogurt, probiotics or DHA/ARA; organic
- Introduce solid food to your baby when they are around 6 months of age or developmentally ready.
- By 7 to 8 months of age, your baby should eat solid foods from all food groups including vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy.
- Mix cereals and mashed cooked grains with breast milk, formula, or water to make it smooth and easy for your baby to swallow.
Infant fruits and vegetables
✔ Allowed: Brands listed below; single vegetable, single fruit, mixed vegetables, mixed fruits, vegetables mixed with fruits, 4 oz jar, 2 oz 2-pack, 4 oz 2-pack, or multipacks up to 128 oz
✘ Not Allowed: Pouches, medleys, dinners, delights, custards, cobblers, desserts, or any added ingredients (spices, oats, etc.)
Infant meats
Infant meats are an extra benefit for exclusively-breastfed infants.
✔ Allowed: Brands listed below; “single meat” variety with added broth or gravy, 2.5 oz jar, 10 oz to 77.5 oz multi-packs
✘ Not Allowed: Meat sticks, dinners, or any added ingredients except for added broth or gravy
Infant formula
✔ Allowed: Size and description as printed on your WIC receipt or benefit list
- WIC is a supplemental nutrition program. WIC does not provide all the formula your baby will need each month.
- Prepare formula according to the formula manufacturer recommendations to keep your baby safe.
- See your “Family Food Benefits” list to see what allowed size, brand, type, and physical state (powder, concentrated, or Ready To Feed [RTF]) of formula is allowed for your baby.
Whole grain options
Brown rice
✔ Allowed: *Store brand or private label;
• 14 oz (instant)
• 16 oz (regular)
✘ Not Allowed: Ready-to-serve, added flavors or seasonings
Whole wheat pasta
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 100% whole wheat pasta, 16 oz
- Whole wheat flour or whole durum wheat flour must be the only flour ingredients listed
- Any shape
✘ Not Allowed: Pasta made with white flour, or a mix of different types of flour, or with added sugars, fats, oils, or salt (sodium)
Whole grain bread
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 100% whole wheat bread and whole grain bread, 16 oz or 24 oz
16 ounce loaves of bread:
24 ounce loaves of bread:
✘ Not Allowed: Buns, rolls, bagels, or white bread
- You can buy 16 oz or 24 oz bread depending on the amount of whole grains in your WIC account. If your starting value is 32 oz and you buy a 24 oz loaf of bread, you will have 8 oz of whole grains left in your WIC account that you will not be able to use.
- For ideas when purchasing multiple whole grain options go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Whole grains – more information.
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; whole wheat or corn tortillas, 16 oz
✘ Not Allowed: White flour tortillas, hard shells, wraps, or uncooked
Whole grain bread, tortillas, brown rice, and pasta are issued in units of ounces.
16 Ounces(oz) 16 Ounces(oz) 16 Ounces(oz) 16 Ounces(oz)
Fruits and vegetables
✔ Allowed: Dollar amount as listed on WIC receipt
- Fresh ginger and garlic
- Fresh herbs
- Fresh salsa without added sugar or oil
- Organic
- Whole, pre-cut, or packaged fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits
✘ Not Allowed: Canned, decorative, dressings, dried, packages/party trays with additions (dips, meat, noodles, nuts), roasted, salad bars, salsa with sugar or oil, shelf stable salsa, or spices (vanilla bean)
Fruits and vegetables are issued with Cash Value Benefit (CVB). This means you have a specific dollar amount in your WIC account that can only be used for fruits and vegetables.
$= Fresh fruits and vegetables + Frozen fruits and vegetables
- Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and are low in calories and fat.
- You will need to pay the difference with another form of payment if the total purchase price of vegetables and fruits is above the maximum amount in your WIC account.
- Loose produce will not scan as “WIC Allowed” in the WICShopper app. Some produce items that are packaged may scan as “WIC Allowed”. However, all fresh produce is authorized and should be allowed for purchase at the cash register.

✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below; 32 oz containers or smaller containers in combinations that equal 32 oz
- Any flavor
- Fat content as printed on WIC receipt or benefit list
- Added fruit is allowed
✘ Not Allowed: Yogurts sold with accompanying mix-in ingredients such as granola, candy pieces, honey, nuts, and similar ingredients, drinkable yogurts, or whips
Whole fat
Yogurt is issued in units of ounces (oz). To make sure you get your full benefit, consider buying a 32 oz container or packages that add up to 32 oz.
- Yogurt provides calcium, protein, vitamins A and D, and is a good source of potassium.
- Buy the fat content listed on your WIC receipt or benefit list:
- Women and children 2 years and older are issued reduced-fat, low-fat, or non-fat yogurt.
- Children younger than 2 years are issued whole-fat yogurt.
- Some of your milk benefit can be substituted for yogurt. Call your local WIC clinic if you would like yogurt and less milk.
- For a comprehensive list of all whole-milk yogurt brands, flavors, and sizes go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Whole-milk yogurt – more information.
✔ Allowed: *Store brand or private label; gallon, half gallon, or quart
- Size, description, and fat content as printed on WIC receipt or benefit list
- Buttermilk (half gallon or quart)
- Canned evaporated milk (12 oz)
- Lactose-free only if assigned and printed on WIC receipt or benefit list
- Pasteurized
- Powdered dry milk (9.6 oz to 64 oz)
- Shelf stable (UHT)
- Quart milk is allowed in any brand
✘ Not Allowed: Flavored, Skim Royale/Delight, unpasteurized, or raw
Milk is issued in units of gallons. A half gallon will take 0.5 gallon off your card. A quart will take 0.25 gallon off your card.
1 Gallon = 2 Half Gallons = 4 Quarts
- Milk provides calcium, protein, vitamins A and D, and is a good source of riboflavin.
- Buy the milk fat content listed on your WIC receipt or benefit list:
- Women and children 2 years and older are issued low fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) milk.
- Children younger than 2 years are issued whole milk.
- For more information and help with milk sizes, go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Milk – more information.
- When assigned lactose-free milk, to get a comprehensive list of sizes and brands available go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > Lactose-free milk – more information.
- When shelf stable milk is needed, to get a comprehensive list of available shelf stable milk go to: WICShopper app > WIC Allowable Foods > UHT milk – more information.
Soy milk
✔ Allowed: Brands listed below; half gallon or quart
- Original flavor
- Refrigerated or shelf stable (UHT)
- Soy milk only if assigned and printed on WIC receipt or benefit list
✘ Not Allowed: Organic or any flavor other than original
✔ Allowed: *Brands listed below;
- 64 oz refrigerated orange juice (no other flavors)
- Regular or low sodium for tomato/vegetable juice
- Unsweetened, 100% juice, single flavor, or blends
✘ Not Allowed: Refrigerated juices (except orange juice), cocktails, nectars, ciders, or 59 oz container
Juice 12 oz frozen juice
concentrate (women)

Juice 64 oz (children)
Finding the right 64 oz juice. Federal guidelines require juice to be 100% juice. Manufacturers are required to put the percent (%) of juice on the label. This can generally be found above the Nutrition Facts label or on the front of the container.
✔ Allowed: (100% juice)
✘ Not Allowed: (25% juice)
If a juice says 100% vitamin C that doesn’t mean it is 100% juice.
✔ Allowed: (100% juice)
✘ Not Allowed: (100% vitamin C)
- WIC juice is an excellent source of vitamin C and a great source of fruits and vegetables.
- When issued convenience juice, for a comprehensive list go to WICShopper > WIC Allowable Foods > Convenience juice – more information.
Breastfeeding women get more food on the WIC program because they need extra nutrition to stay healthy and make milk for their babies.
Exclusively breastfeeding
Mom: up to 1 year
Baby: 6-12 months
of age
Mostly Breastfeeding
Mom: up to 1 year
Baby: 6-12 months
of age
Little to no Breastfeeding
Mom: 0-6 months
Mom: 7-12 months
Baby: 6-12 months
of age
Breastfeeding has many benefits:
✔ Doctor recommended
✔ Perfect nutrition
✔ Fewer infections
✔ Reduces childhood obesity
Call your WIC clinic for help with breastfeeding.
Helpful phone numbers:
Helpline for community resources: 2-1-1
Immunization hotline: 1-800-275-0659
Maternal mental health hotline: 1- 833 -TLC-MAMA
Medicaid: 1-866-435-7414
MotherToBaby Utah: 1- 866-626-6847
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
SNAP: 1-866-435-7414
Suicide and Crisis hotline: 9-8-8
Tobacco Quit Line: 1-888-567-8788
WIC card customer service line: 1 (855) 784-5584
To visit Utah WIC’s website open the camera on your phone and scan the QR code or visit wic.utah.gov