FAQs About Potatoes

Every meal is an opportunity to choose nutrient-dense foods, like potatoes. Learn more about America’s favorite vegetable with these potato facts and frequently asked questions.

Nutrition FAQs

Are potatoes good for you?

Yes, potatoes are naturally fat free, cholesterol free, and low in sodium. In addition, potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, and those eaten with the skin are a good source of potassium. Foods that are good sources of potassium and low in sodium, such as potatoes, may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Are all varieties of potatoes equally nutritious?

All varieties of potatoes are nutritious and, while both the type and amounts of nutrients may vary slightly depending on the variety, the differences are minimal.

If I am trying to lose weight, do I need to avoid potatoes?

No. Research demonstrates that people can eat potatoes and still lose weight. There is no evidence that potatoes, when prepared in a healthful manner, impedes weight loss.

Are all the nutrients in the skin of the potato?

No. The notion that all of the nutrients are found in the skin is a myth.  While the skin does contain approximately half of the total dietary fiber, the majority (> 50%) of the nutrients are found within the potato itself.

Potato Nutrition VIDEOS

Check out these quick (15 seconds or less) videos to learn how the nutritional benefits potatoes can offer your family!

Buying and Storage Tips

What should I look for when buying potatoes?

Look for clean, smooth, firm-textured potatoes with no cuts, bruises or discoloration. Imperfect potatoes are just as good, so just cut them before cooking if you see any cuts or bruises.

What is the best way to store potatoes?

Keep potatoes in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place such as a pantry or cabinet. Avoid high temperatures such as next to appliances or under the sink, and keep potatoes away from too much direct sunlight (no countertops).

There is no need to store your potatoes in a bag; you can store them loose. If you store potatoes in a bag, make sure there are holes so the potatoes can breathe.

Don’t wash potatoes (or any produce, for that matter) before storing. Dampness promotes early spoilage.

Can I freeze fresh potatoes?

Yes! Fresh to frozen potatoes are best within six months of freezing. That is plenty of time to enjoy them! Follow these easy steps to freeze fresh potatoes:

  • Step 1: Cut your potatoes into a shape of your choosing. Cubed, shredded, fry shape… the choices are endless!
  • Step 2: Once your potatoes are cut, place them in cold water with a tbsp of lemon juice or vinegar. This will help prevent browning.
  • Step 3: Cook the potatoes until they are partially done. This should mean a fork goes into them, but not without a slight push. Boiling is an efficient method.
  • Step 4: Once the potatoes are cooked, drained, and cooled, they can be put in a freezer approved bag. Seasoning can be added prior to freezing or cooking at a later date.

What should I do with “green” or sprouting potatoes?

Green on the skin of a potato is the build-up of a chemical called Solanine. It is a natural reaction to the potato being exposed to too much light. Solanine produces a bitter taste and if eaten in large quantity can cause illness.

If there is slight greening, you can still use the potato. Just cut away the green portions of the potato skin before cooking and eating.

Sprouts are a sign that the potato is trying to grow. Storing potatoes in a cool, dry, dark location that is well ventilated will reduce sprouting. Cut the sprouts away before cooking or eating the potato.

Cooking Potatoes

How do I cook potatoes?

There are a number of different ways to prepare potatoes, among them baked, mashed, roasted, au gratin, and scalloped.

The simplest way to cook potatoes fast is to cut them into smaller pieces. For fast mashed potatoes, for example, rather than boiling the whole potato, cut potatoes into quarters.

Find step by step videos on all the ways to cook potatoes here: https://www.potatogoodness.com/how-to-cook-potatoes/

Featured Potato Recipes

Skewered Potato Twisters

Skewered Potato Twisters

Skewered Potato Twisters (also known as potato tornados) are a fun new addition to your outdoor cookouts. Nutrient-dense potatoes are skewered, cut into spirals, seasoned, and grilled. No grill, no problem. You can also make these in the oven or air-fryer.